penalty points/fine


Registered User
Just wondering how long does it take to receive a fine for speeding.
I got stopping by a garda on the 2nd April (Good Friday) this yr and havent as yet received either the fine in the post. I know that you dont get the penaltys till after you have received the fine. The garda did say that I would receive the fine in the post and that it was 2 points if I paid else 4 if i let it go to court

Just wondering if anyone would know
Normally within 2 weeks.

You may get a summons now. But you have a good defence in that you did not receive the notice.
Is the car registered to the address you have been living at. Common problem where people if renting register it at their home address or move and don't update it. Could be one reason.
Perhaps you are not in line for a fine either.
car & licence both to the same address, the garda even asked me my address to confirm.. How long for a summons? I actually wish something could arrive in the post, then at least it is over with
do you have any contacts within the gardai? They could check up on their system to see if a summons is on the way? Or even call into your local station and if they are any way helpful, they could do the same? Horrible to have to wait and sweat it out for months!