Penalty Points Deception: Near maxed out driver "passes on" points to lower points dr



Been informed by a person associated with the NRA that there is a growing tendency for a person other than the driver culprit to 'take' the resultant penalty points in some cases where camera detections have captured the offending vehicle in use.

It seems this takes place where the actual driver (say husband/partner) has max or near max points and the deflecting of the points to another person with lower or maybe no points preserves the driving status of the original offender.

I asked a Guard about it and he acknowledged that it is probably widespread and said that he felt it could only be dealt with by the Gardai on foot of specific complaints.

Anybody else heard of the practice ?
Re: Penalty Points Deception

Yes, It is widespread. My friend has 10 points. He then sold the next lot to a Polish co worker. It is happening.
Re: Penalty Points Deception

penalty points usually come with a fine..i would think the authorites are more concerned about receiving payment for the fine...rather than who actually gets the points!
Re: Penalty Points Deception

I saw Gordon Ramsey on tv a few years ago talking about his cars and he said he was too rich to get penalty points - he "sold" them to the trainee chefs. I have heard that students in the UK who don't drive are also in the business of taking the points. How true it is I don't know
Re: Penalty Points Deception

Not that easy to transfer points.

About 3 years ago, Mr X got fine/points....but it's actually his wifes car (in his name). Assumed it would just be a matter of calling to clarify that Mrs X was actually the drive (he never drove this car) but the gardai said they would have to get proof and that could only be got by getting the photo of the offence.

So applied to get the phot & the gardai realised that the time/date setting on the machine was wrong so they dismissed the fine and the points !!

Just goes to prove, it's worth challenging.
Re: Penalty Points Deception

I saw Gordon Ramsey on tv a few years ago talking about his cars and he said he was too rich to get penalty points - he "sold" them to the trainee chefs. I have heard that students in the UK who don't drive are also in the business of taking the points. How true it is I don't know
It is very true. The Gardaí don't care so long as they collect the €80 each time.
Re: Penalty Points Deception

It happens all the time. I have a friend who had 'given' his points to his wife who has a licence but hasn't drove in 20 odd years.

He actually put her on his insurance to take the points. Also, if you are a British driver in Ireland, driving on your British licence, you cannot get points. My partner has said before that if I ever got caught, he could say it was him, we'd pay the fine and I wouldnt get the points.

I wouldnt do it, but I'm sure people out there have and do do it.
Re: Penalty Points Deception: Near maxed out driver "passes on" points to lower point

Been informed by a person associated with the NRA ...

What do the NRA have to do with penalty point administration?
Re: Penalty Points Deception: Near maxed out driver "passes on" points to lower point

Surely, he means the RSA?
Re: Penalty Points Deception: Near maxed out driver "passes on" points to lower point

Ajapale and bond-007
apologies.....I meant the RSA.

Apparently the practice is widespread in the UK. It's scary when one considers that banned drivers are driving around under the noses of law enforcement and are almost impossible to detect.

Drivers on or over max points couldn't be covered under insurance, could they ?

Wonder how they cope with this in other countries ?
Re: Penalty Points Deception: Near maxed out driver "passes on" points to lower point

Ajapale and bond-007
apologies.....I meant the RSA.

Apparently the practice is widespread in the UK. It's scary when one considers that banned drivers are driving around under the noses of law enforcement and are almost impossible to detect.

Drivers on or over max points couldn't be covered under insurance, could they ?

Wonder how they cope with this in other countries ?

There have just been a number of prosecutions in the UK for this recently