Penalty point summons - surname incorrect, status?

Lee May

Registered User
Hello, a friend has received a summons following an incident involving them turning right at a junction that allows no right turns between 8-10am. This sign was apparently erected during last 6 months. Surname has been incorrectly stated on summons, left out the "Mc", although car registration number is correct. Is this a technicality that would invalidate the summons? One penalty point at stake, just wondering if anyone has any experience of this situation. Delay to respond with fine etc will increase penalty points from 1 to 3 :{

Depends on the Judge. I had a friend who was summonsed on a traffic offense and his surname was also spelled wrong. Judge took the view that it was clear that the individual being summonsed could be nobody other than my friend. Other Judges may take a different view - some are sticklers for having the paperwork in order. Luck of the draw.
I wouldn't push it TBH - why take the risk of irritating the judge? My impression is that the 'getting off on technicalities issue' is becoming less and less tolerated.
Yes, that about sums it up. But unless "Mc" has ambitions about racking up future points, then I'd pay up and leave it at that. For God's sake it's only 1 point.
Thanks to all. Yes, this sounds like too big a risk to take. This person has already 2 points so is sensitive about getting a third. However, I agree that the best policy is to pay pronto and avoid an escalation of the event.