Pedestrian crossings without lights


Registered User
Question about the validity of pedestrian crossings without lights. Have searched and can only find reference to two types of pedestrian crossings; 1 with flashing amber lights (uncontrolled) and 1 with pedestrian traffic lights (controlled)

I live near a roundabout which has the zebra road markings for a pedestrian crossing at 3 of the entries to the roundabout but no lights on any of these. My question is are these legitimate pedestrian crossings, does the pedestrian have right of way, are cars obliged to stop when I show intention to cross the road or indeed when I am crossing the road... Thanks!
Is it a full zebra crossing (all across the road) or just those zig-zag markings at the kerb? If the former, then pedestrians have right of way, although must make sure it is safe to cross before doing so.

PS - have a look here
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Full zebra stripes across the road, no zig zag lines at the side of the road at all. There is a sign on one approach to the zebra lines indicating pedestrian crossing ahead but not on the other.

From what you say it sounds like it is a valid pedestrian crossing and pedestrians do have the right of way... I questioned it because most cars that slow down on their approach to the roundabout will not actually stop for the pedestrian crossing. I started to wonder if was I wrong in thinking they should.
Many drivers seem to think a YIELD sign only applies to other cars and not those crossing the road.
It's strange in this day and age with all the new safety authorities and driver testing, that fewer motorists seem to aware of their responsibilities in relation to pedestrians.

They can be summed up simply in what was drilled into me many years ago when doing my driver training in England :-

A pedestrian always has right of way on a road-way and a motorist must never put a pedestrian at risk.

The RSA'a Rules of the Road book says pretty much the same things, but judging by the bizarre behaviour on the roads, few seem to be reading it.
Daft place for a pedestrian crossing! I have seen many close accidents where pedestrians would walk on to the crossing at the edge of a roundabout and the car coming off the roundabout would have to hit the brakes. This can cause a lot of disruption to the flow of traffic on a busy roundabout.
BUT jaywalking is still a crime AFAIK with some trivial fine...about €20 I think. Never heard of anyone being done for it.

Perhaps I missed it in your link but my understanding is that it's only jaywalking if you're within 15 meters of traffic lights or you step out without giving cars sufficient time to slow down.

My own experience as a pedestrian (in Dublin) is that drivers lack any respect for others. I spent several minutes trying to cross a 1 lane street in the city centre last night and even though the traffic was crawling, not one car stopped to let a crowd of pedestrians across. I ended up just blindly bullying my way across.