Other Pedal cyclist V dog... MIBI?


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If a pedal cyclist is injured by a loose dog on the road, owner of dog identified. No licence for dog.
No insurance details forthcoming.

Can this go to MIBI(Motor Insurance Bureau of Ireland) or do you have to go via a solicitor?

Cant go to PIAB(Personal Injuries Assessment Board) as no insuranace details?
Don't see what a dog and a pedal cycle has to do with motor insurance ( could be wrong) A more pertinet question is what happens if a pedal cycle damages a car?
You have to seek compensation from the owner of the dog.

Presumably you have reported it to the Gardai who may have the dog put down if it's dangerous.

It was reported to the owner immediately, who was not helpful.
Reported to Gardai, who advised no licence and they had advised Dog Warden.

So I guess solicitor is the way forward.
Just wondering what kind of injury did the dog do. I know of car that was hit by two large run away dogs and did good bit of front bumper damage and one dog put down following it. Owner did have pet insurance (in fact big payout on death of dog).
Is it a case though of the owner being dangerous in letting the dog run loose rather than the other way round.
The person admitted to the Gardai when they called that they own the dog and that they do not have a licence. So Gardai have record of this.