Pearse finds it hard to make an impression ...


Registered User
I just had to post this Dail exchange, which I came across while doing some research:

Deputy Frank Fahey: Since Deputy McHugh became a Member of this House, he has got up here and poured forth all of the answers about how we should deal with-----
Deputy Pearse Doherty: Who is Deputy McHugh? The Deputy does not even know my name. Deputy McHugh is from another constituency and another party.
An Ceann Comhairle: Deputy Doherty should resume his seat.
Deputy Frank Fahey: My apologies, Deputy O’Donnell.
Deputy Pearse Doherty: That is not my name either. Try it for the third time. Will somebody correct the Deputy? This is the type of claptrap we have to deal with.
Deputy Frank Fahey: Sorry, Deputy O’Doherty.
Deputy Michael Ahern: It is Doherty.
An Ceann Comhairle: Deputy Doherty should resume his seat.
Deputy Frank Fahey: Deputy Doherty-----
Deputy Michael Ahern: Deputy Doherty has made a great impression on Deputy Fahey.
Deputy Joan Burton: This is why he got the bank guarantee so wrong. He does not know people’s names. He did not know he was missing a bank.
An Ceann Comhairle: Deputy Fahey’s time has expired.
That is the funniest thing I have read in ages. I'm crying here.

It's like something out of Monty Python
I see Pearse also had to change his job title on his & the SF websites from civil engineer to engineering technician after it was spotted that he was not, in fact, entitled to call himself an engineer. Confusion reigns about the Donegal deputy, starting with himself!

Today's indo:


Sorry to ruin a good story !!

Pearse Doherty was elected to the Dail late last year while Ivor is a member of the Seanad and would not be in the Dail chamber. The two would never have occasion to be having an exchange, certainly not one involving the Ceann Comhairle !!
Ivor ? Are we reading the same post? Ivor isn't mentioned in Welfarite's post!

Eh ... wha?

LOL you're as bad as Frank Fahey with names Sim Two!!
Mega mea culpa, Welfarite.

Having too many senior moments these days for my liking !!!
We've had Tom Foxe, Pat Rabitte, Emmet Stag.
Is there anyone remotely connected with politics whose surname is Dogg, or Daug (or preferably Dawg) as I reckon they'd top the polls, just so we could claim to have a real Deputy Dawg !!