PDs to wind up - What now for government?

no - they will either join other parties or stay as independents i suppose- they're hardly gonna give up their cushy pensionable jobs!
According to RTE Harney is going to become an independent.

I wonder how long she'll remain as Minister of Health? And who'll replace her if she leaves....
I don't see that anything has really changed. The PD's weren't an essential component of the coalition, it could have been formed without them, indeed it might have been easier to negotiate with the greens without PD involvement, so it's not as if she had to do too much negotiation/pushing to get the health portfolio.
I suspect Biffo will keep Mary Hearney in health - who else would want it & given that Michael Martin already had a bash at screwing it up nicely, then I think other FF members will want to keep their noses clean for the next election.