PDs joining FG


Registered User
Can someone explain to me why former members of the PDs have suddenly decided to join FG, when they have had such a cosy relationship with FF over the last 10 years ?

Surely it's not something as opportunistic as joining the party that will surely be in power after the next election (whenever that may be) ?

Surely our elected representatives are not so fickle as to do something as blatant as join the most supported party at any given moment ?

Then again....
Symbiosis at it's best. The PDs leave the sinking ship thereby hastening it's demise while they climb aboard the good ship FG therby hastening it's launch from (a very) dry dock.
Ideology? The conscience in FF? Helicopter to the NW to open friend's off licence? There must be a blurring somewhere. I may be cynical, as I thought getting into power (and holding on to it) was the name of the game. You've only got to remember the doorstep promises a couple of years later.
I'd love if they did a kind of All Ireland Party thing, join in with the UK Unionists or someone of that ilk, they could meet for afternoon tea and there could even be a cross border grant available for it, it would be nice and totally new departure for them, plus I think they would enjoy tut tutting on a 32 County basis.

Ah, bloody hell. There goes my trust in politicians. Is nothing sacred? There was a time when politicians were believed .......... then you could leave your key in the door, loutish behaviour was not invented and anything the church said was gospel. Sigh