PC turning itself on


Registered User
I'm wondering if anyone could help solve this for me? During recent months I've found that my PC, having been shut down, turns itself on at about 20 minutes after midnight - exactly the same time every night.

I've checked to see if any programme has been scheduled to scan etc at that time but found nothing. It's a mystery to me and unless I unplug everything can see no way around it. I'd be grateful if anyone has any suggestions about how to track down the cause of this.
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There can be a bios setting telling the PC to boot at a particular time. Restart the computer, enter the BIOS (by pressing ESC, DEL or one of the F-keys - depending on the compuer) and look for a setting to switch on at a particular time.
If you have a modem connected, the PC can be set to auto-boot on receipt of a call. This could be a test call, fax, alarm etc. in your case.
Ditto for network connections - some wired ethernet LAN connections can wake the PC up. Or it could be a techie poltergeist. :D
Yes, well, regardless of the cause of this, why not unplug the beast when you are not needing it ?
Why didn't I think of that! Proof yet again that stating the bleeding obvious isn't necessarily a bad idea! :eek:
I use one of those long plug multi-adaptors for my PC and all related peripherals (printer etc.).

It has an on-off switch, so once the PC has powered down, I just flip the switch - easy !