PC sum vs cheaper payment amount


Registered User
Hi All,
I am likely to take a house in the coming weeks and one in partiuclar has caught my attention. Essentially, I am wondering a number of things but primarily I believe that I would like som changes made to the house (it is new but not entierly to my liking). I could offer 200K (about 30K under offer price) and would exlect to get it. Then I would redo changes I want afterwards. The challenge with that is that it is easier for me to get mortgage money than loan money! So I am now thinking of offerring more than 200K but hoping that the builder would integrate a PC sum into the cost so that I can more easily manage to get the changes made that I require.
What would you think would be best to do?
(Thanks in advance)
If i was me i would approach the seller/builder with your plans, if it's a builder selling he would probably be happy to get the sale at €200k and then have the chance to get the additional work (at an agreed price) as apposed to someone else doing it. Im sure this would not have worked a couple of years ago when they didnt want to bargain at all, it was common that they didnt even bother to fix snags properly.
Is the house a turn key finish? If not you should discuss getting the seller to provide Kinished kitchen, fireplace, coving, tiling stc.. to your choosing as they would be able to purchase the goods less the vat and this could all be included in your mortgage.
Thanks Aidan,
that was kind of my instinct alright. I just hope that they are in some way open to that.