Paypal Dispute


Registered User
I recently had to make a complaint thru the Paypal resolution centre about a damaged item I received from paypal. When I look at the status it states requires your action but there has been no reply from the seller to my original message as far as I can see. Does anybody have any idea why it would state that it requires my action? Thks
I've used the eBay dispute resolution process in the past and the process was very clear. I would imagine that the PayPal one is similar. Does it not say why your action is required?
No I can't see what action is required when I go into view I only see my message with no reply from the seller.
Can you cut and paste the text on the relavant page omitting any sensitive details please?
Below is the text I see when I go into the resolution centre and when I select view all I see is my own message with an option to post a message.
Dispute Not as described 8U9880425B5088741 May 18, 2007 -£32.00 GBP Jun. 20, 2007 Requiring your action PP-298-871-092
So post a message stating that you don't understand what response is required at this stage?
I've been down the road with Paypal, and to be honest I've found the best route is to use your Credit Card Company instead. Tell them you've an issue with Paypal, and they should be dealing with the issue for you. MBNA did this for me on 2 occasions, and on both counts I received a full refund, while they went after Paypal to re-coup.
Don't some CC providers impose certain exclusions on liability for online purchases? Best to check your card terms & conditions to be sure.