Payment clauses of Education assistance

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LFC Murphy

Registered User
One quick question regarding Guidelines on education assistance & reduandancy.

can a company make you pay back money they paid for eduation necessary to your job if they make you redundant?
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Re: Education requirements

Don't see how they could. If you satisfied your end of the bargain by, say, not leaving, your enforced redundancy shouldn'r count.

if the redundancy is voluntary, however, that may alter things (although I'd still doubt it).

All depends on the initial agreement for the education assistance between the employer and employee. If the issue wasn't covered in the agreement, it's unreasonable for the employer to introduce conditions retrospectively.
Re: Education requirements

I am about to sign the agreement, and I have stalled due to that clause.
Re: Education requirements

My company pays for my MBA....the agreement is that I pay back some of the money if I leave the company. If I'm made redundant due to "involuntary cause" then I pay nothing back. A company can't seriously expect you to pay back money if you are let go through no fault of your own.
Re: Can a company make you pay back money they paid for eduation if your made redundant?

thanks for the input.

can this thread be closed now.

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