Paying voluntary UK NIC contributions

Have you received confirmation of payment amount from DWP?
No and I'm fed of waiting even without paying backdated contributions I want to start paying the minimum at least. No reply to form sent back in Feb and that was after being told that form was incorrect....
No and I'm fed of waiting even without paying backdated contributions I want to start paying the minimum at least. No reply to form sent back in Feb and that was after being told that form was incorrect....
Wait. You're at no disadvantage.

If the money is burning a hole in your pocket, I'll look after it for you!
Does anyone know how I can start paying additional contributions to UK National Insurance. The lack of response to letter earlier in the year is just shocking and I just want to start making contributions now.
Where can I get the details for making payment?
Try digging around on this page. I was able to make a payment by EFT using online banking.

Then wait at least 6/8 weeks before checking if your NI record has been updated to reflect this. Or if you haven’t set up online access to your NI record call HMRC or DWP.

I would wait if I was you. They, in time, will give you a list of what back payments you can make and if like me yours are a mixture of Class 2 and Class 3, you can decide to pay the Class 2 years and ignore the Class 3. But you have to call them and let them know what years you want to apply your payments to. Without the exact information, you might be creating further problems for yourself later in the process and have money lying around in limbo.

Even with the information I now have, I don't have to make payments until April 2025. No rush really. Best to get the correct information first and then take action.
I was feeling the same, I wanted it done and dusted. So I called them and was told to wait as unravelling any mistakes is impossI le. I moved the amount I think I needed to the credit union and I’m ignoring it until I get a letter from them
I was feeling the same, I wanted it done and dusted. So I called them and was told to wait as unravelling any mistakes is impossI le. I moved the amount I think I needed to the credit union and I’m ignoring it until I get a letter from them
I was also feeling the same. I calculated what UK£ I will likely need to make full payment, then set up an auto-converter for that amount through Wise, at a beneficial rate. The UK£ is just sitting there in my Wise account, but receives 3.31% interest, which is better than the € rate (2.28%). Hard to have patience when it is taking so long, but it actually benefits us if we don't have to pay until April 2025 & can earn quite-ok interest in the meantime!
I could probably just make current contributions without making backdated but just want it sorted otherwise I'll come along in 5 years and be short and I dont qualify for a full Irish pension as away too long
I have 5 years class 2 payments from my time in the UK. I recently made another 17 years voluntary contributions. Will I be able to make addditional contributions into the future to get a full pension?
I finally received a reply after a year advising m e that I was ineligible to make class 2 contributions as I had left employed abroad section blank and said I wasnt self employed. I'd interpreted their section working abroad as meaning working abroad for a UK employer.

I have worked in Ireland since coming back in 2020 (gap of a few months). How do I correct this so that I can pay class 2 (as lalternative is paying £800+ a year for contributions) . Some other posts have suggested providing PRSI record, where can I get this (I think I've seen mine before but forget the site) or is there something else I need to do?

Is it possible to do this online, I ,ailed the CF83 form and it took just over a year to get a reply, is it possible to get this processed in Government Gateway? Appreciate any replies thanks.