Paying the LPT by cheque?

Brendan Burgess

I got a call from a relative who wants to know how to pay the LPT by cheque?

I haven't seen the letter issued last week, as I paid my own online using ROS.

She says that there was no form or no address on which to send it.

Is this correct?

Is the Revenue letter really that bad?

OK, found the answer here

The more imporant question is why would she want to pay by cheque? She should complete the Single Debit Authority.


There are two options available to you if you wish to pay by cheque/postal order:

1: You can send your cheque/postal order and your LPT1A Payment Instruction form to Revenue by 7 November 2013.
To do this you should:

  • Record the LPT due for 2014 in the "Total Amount Due" box in the "Single Debit Authority" payslip at the bottom of your LPT1A Payment Instruction form.
  • Make the cheque/postal order payable to the Collector General.
  • Record your Property ID on the back of the cheque/postal order.
  • Send your cheque/postal order and your LPT1A Payment Instruction form to Revenue, LPT Branch, P.O. Box 1, Limerick by 7 November 2013.
2: You can choose to send your cheque/postal order after 7 November but on or before 1 January 2014.
To do this you should:

  • Detach the "Single Debit Authority" payslip at the bottom of the LPT1A Payment Instruction form.
  • Include a note on the LPT1A Payment Instruction form that you will pay by cheque/postal order on or before 1 January 2014.
  • Send back your LPT1A Payment Instruction form to Revenue by 7 November 2013 (having detached the "Single Debit Authority" payslip).
  • Record the LPT due for 2014 in the "Total Amount Due" box on the “Single Debit Authority” payslip.
  • Make the cheque/postal order payable to the Collector General.
  • Record your Property ID on the back of the cheque/postal order.
  • Send your cheque/postal order and "Single Debit Authority" payslip to Revenue, LPT Branch, P.O. Box 1, Limerick on or before 1 January 2014.
The only address that I know of for corresponding with Revenue on LPT matters is LPT Branch, P.O. Box 1, Limerick. Make sure that the put PPSN & Property No on back of cheque.
Hi Dermot

Was there no form with the letter? Or do you put it on the back of the cheque as well as the form?

There was no form with the letter I got. From what I gather Revenue want those particulars on the back of the cheque maybe they are afraid of the form becoming detached from cheque. Only speculating on that part.
I would point out that my situation is probably different to your relatives as I have a multiple property payment. I have copied a note from Citizens Information on the subject of paying by cheque as follows:
"Cheque or postal order: To pay by cheque or postal order you should select the cash payment option on the paper payment instruction (Form LPT1A) and insert an X in the box marked “Full”. The cheque or postal order must be in date. Revenue recommends that you record your Property ID and PPS Number on the back of your cheque or postal order. You should include your cheque or postal order when sending back the payment instruction to Revenue. This option is not available for people who pay online."