Hello,I'm "Lillywhite" and I'm new here,so please be patient gentle!My query is this.I left my job as a trainee accountant back in January of this year,-(for alot of reasons,mostly I felt I wasnt very good at it,lacked confidence,and for other personal reasons)-back than my boss offered me some work just to tide me over 'till I found what it was I wanted to do with the rest of my life.It basically involved me helping a client get their books in order & upto date and ready for my boss to come in and do the audit,while at the same time training in someone to take over when I was done.All in all I was done and finished with the client and off their premises by end of April 2007.My query pertains to my paying tax.The situation was as follows;I "invoiced" the client my hrs worked, gave my contact details,& gratiously accepted the cheques when they came.The work was for three months Feb-to-Apr2007.Can anyone out there please offer me some advice as to what I need to do regarding paying tax for this work done,the procedure etc.I don't have contact with my old boss anymore,& my tax experience is limited to say the least.As of now, Im unemployed & need to sign on,filling out documents for the SW,this tax issue crops up,for me as a big issue.Any help would be very much appreciated.Thank you for taking time out to read this I hope it makes sense.Please try not to judge me too much for being a trainee accountant & nothing knowing this, the fact is my time was spent in audit I have little or no experience in filling ones own tax return,Ive no one to turn to,so I guess I have to learn somewhere right!