Paying for your own xmas card from politicians



This has been bugging me, so I need to let it out. We received at least 3 christmas cards from different politicians. Now they hardly paid for them out of their own pocket, so if they didn't that just leaves the tax payer. If they are in receipt of substantially lower taxes, who on earth could justify such a folly. Ireland has a popuation of 4.5 million, stamps alone would have cost 2.5 million, the cards a euro each, which were probably printed abroad, thats a total spend of at least 7 million. What craziness is this in these straightened times. Another thing bugging me, is the audit they had done recently to determine how to reduce their ESB bill, I wonder how much that cost.
Just turn off the bloody lights, maybe they need another audit to figure that one out.
You forgot to add the overtime the postmen get for delivering them - and it is substantial.
I remember a local politician going on the radio to complain that a politician from another part of the country had sent him a tie, gift boxed for Christmas. He said he didn't know the man, who was from Kerry, and asked if he had them all franked in the Oireachtas. He replied he did, as was his right.

The politicians point was that this man had used tax payers money to buy, gift wrap and post various gifts to lots of members all across Ireland, and he didn't even know the man.

Wonder how much that cost us?!
Interesting, so a good chunk of the millions goes on overtime/salary for postmen, i.e. providing employment. The guy who made the ties must have had a good christmas too, assuming he was irish and they weren't brought in from China? Have politicains no imagination? What they paid for xmas cards and gifts, they could have given every household in Ireland, a free electricity saving bulb.

You know if you get an xmas card from a politician he is only
trying to buy your vote, it's pathetic really.