I normally do my tax return in January but this year I have income from overseas for '07.
How can I declare this until my foreign tax returns are done ? OS return is due by end of May.
Is it ok if I then do my Irish return ? I need to get this right as it's my first time having to show foreign income & I don't want Rev checking up on me & thinking I'm defaulting as I do intend paying fully any tax due.
Why do you do your Tax return so early. You have until 31st.October to do it. What's the rush - you get no marks for being early. Depending where the foreign income is will depend if you can use losses in this Tax Year or next and the same with profits. Take your time and I would say you may be better off using the services of an accountant as its now getting a little complex.
I normally do it early to reclaim medical expenses !
I tend to associate the Oct deadline with the self- employed.
I don't reckon I will be due to pay extra tax as I'm mostly on the 20% rate & with double taxation agreements in place I think my full liability will be paid abroad. I just like to be up to date & compliant.
Thanks Mercman for your help. I guess I'll just have to be patient this year.
i think i know what perplexed is talking about here i also have an apartment due for completion overseas in eastern europe and it will be ready for renting by april of this year. In Ireland i pay p.a.y.e. and also a self assesment for a nixer that i do but also alike perplexed my taxes on my overseas property wont be due until may 2009 i suspect it is Hungary that he has to do his returns in
The thing is as i will be getting rent from this property this year im also thinking of waiting for my hungarian tax returns are done in may 2009 and then declaring it for my tax in Ireland . Im thinking this is the correct course of action i should take as the income earned in Hungary in 2008 wouldnt be due to be taxed in ireland until october 31st 2009. would i be correct in the format and sequence of how this serious of events should take place