PAYE P60 gross figure and AVC's


Registered User
My P60 for 2007 lists off my gross pay minus pension contributions from self. I am in the age bracket where I can contribute 20%.

I currently contribute at 8% (matched by employer). Should it be possible for me to instruct my employer payroll to pay AVC contributions of 12% direct out of payroll using the November and December pay cycles?

Just wondering if this is possible or just at the discretion of my employer....
Verified and my employer will pay AVC's out of remaining pay cycles for 2008.
For those that pay AVCs out of their net wages (AVS not gone through payroll system - not the OP) they need to claim the deduction from the revenue using form 12. When the balancing statement is issued they can then also claim a PRSI deduction by applying directly to the PRSI refund section.