PAYE Anytime


Registered User
I actually like the PAYE anytime system. I find it relatively easy to use and it sure beats being on hold for an hr or dealing with them by post.

What I do find frustrating though is that you can be locked out from particular years for 'too many transactions'

I cannot view any transactions, details of tax, USC, Income & Health Levy for 2010 as I am locked out.

I can view them for every other year.

When queried with PAYE they said that its because I have made more than the allowed number of queries/requests for that year online and I now have to submit all queries for 2010 by post.

This seems a bit crazy as every other year is still fine online.

Why would they still be encouraging people to do things by post. Wouldnt it be simpler to remove the freeze on 2010 for my account on the system?
It's a control built into the system to avoid fraud... there would be an expectation that people shouldn't need to revisit the same tax year more than a couple of times i.e. you sit down, figure out your entitlements and claim them in one go. You might miss something the first time around, like some of your medical receipts, and need to go again, but not more than a couple of times.

By any objective yardstick of risk, you'd have to consider people adjusting their figures several times over (particularly where each adjustment leads to a further repayment), poses a risk. Better in that case to save people from themselves, and check what they're doing before you give them any more refunds...

Otherwise the Indo and other right wing media would be having a field day with our "lazy Civil Servants" laissez faire attitude to administering the tax system...
Yes absolutely agree but the point is now I cant even view any of the material or information for 2010. I can understand preventing further requests/changes for the year but the standard info should still be visible (Health levy paid, tax paid, gross income etc).