Pay Pal Jobs


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Ok, I am not knocking the creation of 100 jobs or not saying it is not a good news story that should be welcomed but I am a bit annoyed at the Governments reaction to it. Both the IDA and the Government say that the announcement is "further evidence of Ireland's ability to compete for and win high quality technologically advanced Foreign Direct Investment".

They are customer service jobs. They are not high value technological jobs just because they come from a highly succesful online company. Like I say, I am not knocking the announcement but lets not pretend that it is a sign that Ireland is making progress in its quest to create a 'smart economy'.

I think it's a fair enough quote. The point being that given how uncompetative we're supposed to be, over paid, spoilt and prone to industrial action, companies still want to create jobs here.

We focus so much on the negatives we miss things like this where out of all the other countries where they establish this service for basically pennies, they still chose here.

Thats not my point. They are not pointing out how competitive Ireland remains. Ireland will always attract a number of these jobs because of the tax rate, IDA Grants and the young workforce. My point is that the Government and the IDA make a big song and dance about attracting high value jobs to this Country and they seem to be using this as an example of their success just because it is an internet company creating them. Its great that 100 less people are going to be on the dole but it is does not prove that Ireland is being successful attracting the high end jobs that we are told that we have to create.
We still have problems in things like education and infrastructure etc that is hindering us and I think it is important that announcements like this don't lull people into thinking that everything is rosy and we are doing a great job.
But it’s a job for people who are fluent in another European language, so it must be high tech jobs for highly qualified people.

And anybody who ever used PayPal and got hit with a security freeze knows how highly complicated and technology advanced the process is to get access back to your own money.

For sure this must be highly qualified people using highly technology driven tools!
Thats not my point...

Sorry, being honest I'm not sure what your point is though.

I still maintain it is right that the government and IDA is shouting about news like this. Not to pretend everything is rosie, but because in most cases they've had to work very hard to get the jobs created here behind the scenes.

It's only a 100. It's only a call centre (though see Dublin Texas') post, but there's probably been months of work on behalf of the IDA to get those jobs created here and not somewhere else.
We focus so much on the negatives we miss things like this where out of all the other countries where they establish this service for basically pennies, they still chose here.
Low corporation tax and IDA bribes is why they choose here.
We are hugely uncompetitive and have dire infrastructure.

If we get tax harmonisation, will the last person to leave the country please turn out the lights.

I am not knocking them for it. I am simply saying they shouldn't turn it into something it is not. Calling it 'high quality technologically advanced Foreign Direct Investment' is stretching it by any standards. If we become a centre of excellence for call centres then fair enough, but lets stop bleating on about smart economies and the need to move up the value chain with regard to job creation.

100 jobs is 100 jobs but if a Irish company created 100 call centre jobs, would they be coming out calling it high tech technoogically advanced investment to somehow suggest that Ireland is at the cutting edge of things?
I agree with Sunny on this. I think the creation of jobs is great but do not see how a customer service job can be categorised as a high tech job. And I am someone who spent a while working in a call centre while in college. Delighted to see 100 new jobs though!

Especially on a day where 240+ "low tech jobs" have been gone by Debenhams and Ryan air.

Ok. We'll I guess we always expect some spin with these things.

I think it's a bit more than "a call centre" as we'd imagine. There'll be tech support rather than just people phoning up to cancel or query an issue. That requires a good level of IT and product knowledge, so I think it's fair to call it 'technologically advanced Foreign Direct Investment' at least.

Maybe the "high quality" was stretching it.

Low corporation tax and IDA bribes is why they choose here.
We are hugely uncompetitive and have dire infrastructure.

If we get tax harmonisation, will the last person to leave the country please turn out the lights.

And you continue to be the only ray of sunshine in these bleak times. Keep telling it like it is umop! Keep sticking it to the man brother! Nothing gets past your all seeing critical eye. Few more like you and we'll have FF on their knees begging for mercy.

I envy paranoiacs, at least even in your most unbalanced, irrational, incoherent conspiracy moments, you at least give the sense that there's a purpose or a meaning behind it all. You want to try living in reality, it's bleeding lonely. All those things like sense and facts getting in the way of truly enjoying life.
The gov/IDA can label this how they like IMO:

Exports up
Tax receipts up
Indirect supliers up
Dole payments down

All good. More of the same please.
100 jobs is 100 jobs but if a Irish company created 100 call centre jobs, would they be coming out calling it high tech technoogically advanced investment to somehow suggest that Ireland is at the cutting edge of things?

How many Irish people have 2nd languages for technical subjects? You know the answer

Funny thing about this is that these jobs are in the old Xerox building where Xerox carted off similar type jobs(2nd technical language printer tech support) abroad, all 900 of them.
For sure this must be highly qualified people using highly technology driven tools!

No, these are tech-support jobs for people with a second language using a PC and a telephone, not exactly bleeding edge here!
Well its so typical of those negative twits in RTE to report the good news at 6.35pm 35 minutes after the 6.01 pm news started!

If it was job losses it would have gotten the top slot!
No, these are tech-support jobs for people with a second language using a PC and a telephone, not exactly bleeding edge here!

Wow.. Someone did not get the irony of my whole post...

And it's even not technical jobs, it's customer service jobs answering queries from account holders that have problems with the accounts, nothing technical at all.
Glad the country voted yes to Lisbon Yes to jobs.
This is the trickle that turns into the avalanche......isnt it ?