This was posted on the site:
"This is a money saver, but you won't actually see the benefits just yet. Get in touch with your Bank / Building Society and arrange for your mortgage to be taken out fortnightly (or weekly) rather than monthly. Our mortgage was close to 500 a month and now we pay roughly 250 a fortnight. This obviously amounts to the same, but the interest you pay is less and it takes years off your mortgage. It's worth a phone call, they should be able to calculate how many years you will reduce your mortgage by."
Does anyone know if this is true?
"This is a money saver, but you won't actually see the benefits just yet. Get in touch with your Bank / Building Society and arrange for your mortgage to be taken out fortnightly (or weekly) rather than monthly. Our mortgage was close to 500 a month and now we pay roughly 250 a fortnight. This obviously amounts to the same, but the interest you pay is less and it takes years off your mortgage. It's worth a phone call, they should be able to calculate how many years you will reduce your mortgage by."
Does anyone know if this is true?