Paving : Cambers to house



I am in the process of having my garden landscaped, guys are coming back next Tuesday with half a days work left to do. I have just noticed that the patio cambers to the house. The garden designer and I specified that it should camber away from the house. The contractor was excellent in every other regard and I am now concerned that water may rise above the dampproof course, it is 2 inches abovethe patio. I think the contractor has made a mistake in doing this, does anyone have a opinion on this - help please. I'd like to have my facts in order before Tuesday morning.
It is certainly unusual though not rare for fall towards house, but given the marginal distance 50mm between paved level and DPC I would be concerned of potential damp breaches to DPC through excess run-off and/or heavy rain and wind driving run-off/splash towards house.

Certainly the designer needs to resolve potential hazard to retain integrity of DPC, it may necessitate the installation of acco drains to safely remove surface run-off and avoid any potential build up of damp at wall areas.

Depending on how paved area is jointed eg silicate sanded joints would alleviate any potential moisture build up at DPC, whereas sand cement joints although more robust provides no escape route for run-off, which is why in your case the direction of run-off towards building would be a cause for concern.