Paul Williams and the glorification of crime


Chocks away

Paul Williams gets a lot of media coverage in his job as self appointed crime correspondent to the Irish people. His books give a blood and guts account of the most sordid details. Is it fair that he should be so allowed to push his line of being close to Gardai info to peddle this particular type of faction? Or his very large screaming headlines in the sunday papers, when, if crime levels dropped he'd be out of a job? His nemesis is now earning a lucrative living after all the headlines that Williams has furnished. Almost CV/reference like!
I don't buy his books or read the sunday world - so as far as I'm concerned he can write what he likes...freedom of speech 'n all that..
The only thing Wiliams has glorified is himself! - I don't read Sunday World and certainly wouldn't read any of his books, I can't even listen to him on the radio. When I am looking for news on crime he would be about the last 'journalist' I would refer to!
Don't read his stuff either but I'm sure he is performing a worthwhile function?

Has his 'journalism' been shown to be wildly inaccurate or been proven to be repeatedly libellous in the past for example?
Don't read the Sunday World either and haven't read any of his books, but doesn't someone need to expose what the criminals are up to and who exactly they are?

He has been threatened in the past so obviously they feel threatened by him, the articles he writes and having their pictures in the paper.

He has a lot more courage than I would have in exposing them as even the Guards to an extent are afraid of them.
He puts himself in harms way to expose the society we live in today, He commands a lot of respect from the garda and has buckets of courage. I dont buy the Sunday World, and I certainly dont think he is out to glorify himself.
I occasionally get the Sunday World but look at it online far more. He seems to come down harder on the criminals that don't wear uniform. By exposing the latter would he lose his insider info?
Read 2 of his books on holidays.Would recommend you do the same.
Its a frightening scenario that the public and gardai have to face.