Paul Gogarty with child


Registered User
Anyone hear this on Joe Duffy ?
Here is a link to Mr Gogartys site,outlining his side of things

.[broken link removed]

Would be interested in what others think of this..
Non issue as far as i am concerned.

I never did and never would vote Green but I see no problem with the kid at the press conference.
Just another example for something for people to moan about.

If it wasn't this, it would be something else. People need to concentrate on real issues in the world.
+1. If it were a woman noone would have dared even to raise it.

Ok - i didn't see it but the notion of a father bringing his small child to a press conference like that does seem bizarre to me.
Obviously there are far more important issues at the moment. But had i seen it i most definitely would have commented to myself.
Likewise had it been a woman that brought her small child along.

It really is no place for a child to be in fairness.
For me, he was using his daughter as a prop. Look at us, us Greens, our decision to collapse the Government is driven by our concern for children.

Whatever about bringing your child to work, parking her on a table in front of national and international media is, IMHO, reprehensible.

His one Dail income, whatever about that of his (solicitor) wife, far exceeds my own. We were always able to manage to pay for professional childcare, unlike the Gogartys who seem to prefer to capitalise on the indulgence of a grandparent.
Have to agree with a previous poster who mentioned that if it were a woman nobody would have dared make an issue of it. I have no issue with him bringing the kid to the press conference per se, however, Paul Gogarty is prone to attention seeking and that's exactly what I think this was.
Saw the title and thought Paul Gogerty was pregnant. Now that would have been a news story!
Have to agree with a previous poster who mentioned that if it were a woman nobody would have dared make an issue of it.

Completely disagree. If it had been a woman there would have been a bigger reaction- giving out on behalf of working women everywhere, letting the side down, blah blah. But because he is a man he doesn't get labelled with the 'putting your child before your job' badge, instead he gets a bit of reputation as a new man.
Completely disagree. If it had been a woman there would have been a bigger reaction- giving out on behalf of working women everywhere, letting the side down, blah blah. But because he is a man he doesn't get labelled with the 'putting your child before your job' badge, instead he gets a bit of reputation as a new man.

I wouldn't think Paul Gogarty has a reputation as a new man. If I voted for him I wouldn't be impressed that he spends his time (and my money) looking after his children instead of representing his constituents.
Have to agree with a previous poster who mentioned that if it were a woman nobody would have dared make an issue of it.

have to disagree with thsi also.
I think it would look equally bizarre if mary coughlan or someone had their toddler child on their knee during a press conference.
theres a time and a place for everything but this certainly wasn't the time nor place for him to parade his child. It was a press conference before the world's stage at a time when our financial status is in dire need of outside help not the announcement of the next pantomine programme
"His one Dail income, whatever about that of his (solicitor) wife, far exceeds my own. We were always able to manage to pay for professional childcare, unlike the Gogartys who seem to prefer to capitalise on the indulgence of a grandparent.[/QUOTE]"

His wife is a teacher, not a solicitor.
There are so many more worthy criticisms you could make of that loon than his childcare arrangements.
When I saw the thread title, I too thought Mr. Gogarty was expecting.

Would not surprise me either.
Hopefully after January he will have a lot more time to spend with his child. He is well able to tell fairy stories anyway
In the interview Gogarty said that any visitor to the Dail would be familiar with the sight of him minding his children as he does a "bit of photocopying and made a few calls". He says he often brings one or two of them to work. What if the child had gotten upset during the Conference? I think he couldn't possibly be doing either job properly - minding the child or being a politician. I'd be told to go home if I turned up a work with a child in tow. Clearly, "work" isn't taken to seriously in the Dail.