Patronising People in Business - "thanks for that, good girl!"


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Ending a phone conversation today in work, the person on the other line said "thanks for that, good girl!"

It really peed me off. Was going to react and tell them, it's a long time since I was a girl - but for once let it go whoosh over my head.

Thanks for reading. Rant over.
Re: Patronising People in Business

Myself and my secretary always have a good laugh at this sort of thing. I get that 'good girl' a bit too- she gets more of it though! I'm too easy going to take too much offence at it although it really depends on the person and the way it is said. Hard to explain but from some people it sounds insulting yet from others you have the feeling they really mean it as a compliment. I used to get more of it when I was in my 20s, and some of that Fr.Ted-ish 'you're a lovely girl but when are we going to meet the solicitor' sort of thing.
Re: Patronising People in Business

Who would say that ? what age was the person ?
Re: Patronising People in Business

I get called a good girl all the time.. its so annoying.
Re: Patronising People in Business

Who would say that ? what age was the person ?

Dont really know the person other than business dealings. Usually men say it but this time it was a woman and I would think she is 30's/40's.

Some Cheek!
Re: Patronising People in Business

I got asked if the called could 'talk to my mammy or daddy'...

I'm 26
Re: Patronising People in Business

I've been called a good girl and been patted on the head at the end of a business meeting.

I was too shocked at the time to respond.
Re: Patronising People in Business

I've been called a good girl and been patted on the head at the end of a business meeting.

I was too shocked at the time to respond.

I would have planted them! That is funny though!
Re: Patronising People in Business

I've been patted elsewhere at the end of a meeting and called good girl
Re: Patronising People in Business

My manager was once told 'good girl' also........ oh by god was he furious
Re: Patronising People in Business

Sandrat, was that when you were a workin girl?!
Re: Patronising People in Business

nope it was when I was working in an office, nothing like a hand on a leg, eyes on the boobs and pat on the This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language to motivate you to get the job you trained for
Re: Patronising People in Business

I got asked if the called could 'talk to my mammy or daddy'...

I'm 26

Somewhat different but I was asked if I had ID when buying alcohol in Dunnes Stores last month- I'm 37!
Re: Patronising People in Business

We will have to start a picket!

It's mad that this rubbish still goes on. I will be ready for that woman the next time and she will be put in her box!
Re: Patronising People in Business

A woman tried to hire me as a face painter for her kids party last year after she saw me painting faces at work. She thought I was a transition year student on work experience. I am also 26
Re: Patronising People in Business


I get asked all the time for ID for cigarettes... I gave up smoking years ago so they dont even be for myself!
Re: Patronising People in Business

nope it was when I was working in an office, nothing like a hand on a leg, eyes on the boobs and pat on the This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language to motivate you to get the job you trained for

My boss told me once she went to a business meeting (with a major important client) where she was the only woman. She was very young at the time and had just got her qualification. One of the men there, a well known business man in Ireland as a lech. After the business meeting was a business dinner. First she was subjected to smutty comments and then he cornered her and tried to open her bra from behind quick as you like. Only one other man intervened, not confronting the man, but actually saying something like, can I speak to you outside to get her out of the situation. Nobody confronted the lech, they were afraid for their own jobs, even though this was the norm for that man.

My boss said she never forgot it and she was so embarrassed. A couple of weeks later she got her act together and said she was not going to let it rest and drove 4.5 hours to the other end of the country to confront him in his office and told him if he ever laid a hand on her again or if she heard of him doing that to anyone else he would end up in Mount Jerome.

Horrible Story.
Re: Patronising People in Business

My God I can't believe these stories - is this still the 50s or what?

I'm soooo careful at work when dealing with female customers as I would hate to think that I'm coming across as patronising.

So I usually just wink and give them my phone number instead