Patio door to French doors

Shouldn't be a big job, basically they will have to take out the patio door plus frame and put in a new frame for french doors. Not a major job but there will be some replastering involved.
The french doors tend to be slightly narrower than patio door so you may have to get glass panels at the side.

Having said that you get a bigger opening as both doors can be opened.
Have just converted from sliding to French doors. So much better!
Get a wind restrainer on the door or the wind could take it. Lets loads of light and air in. A lot more secure as well. Go for the French doors. I didn't have any replastering to do, the door fitters just tidied up the rough edges, just a little paint was all the walls required. Its not a big job, they had the old door our and the new one in, in about an hour and a half.
thanks for your replies.

Eiregal, for me the pro would be a bigger opening.
Patio doors only slide open on one side and even at that the door doesn't slide back far enough. I find carrying things in and out of the garden requires squeezing throught the 'gap'.
Besides french doors are just nicer. Imho.

Did it cost you guys much to get done?