Pat Rabitte Lambasting Frontline Audience Member

Tax dodgers are the self employed, small busines people, shop keepers farmers etc.

The PAYE employeee just has to take what is given and cough up every week to the tax man
I'm sick of this.
I have heard this over and over again.

I'm a small business person, and I pay more tax than PAYE workers because I do not have PAYE tax credits.

Please explain how I can dodge tax?
"I'm sick of this.
I have heard this over and over again."

If you are sick of it what about the poor PAYE victims. Children of ordinary workers for years not getting grants for third level while the children of big farmers availaing of the grants and living in the property the father bouth in the city

The facts speak for themselves. Look at the list of people getting caught now who had got away with tax evasion for years.
Absolutely , the Tax defaulters list published by the Revenue supports Yorrick's assertion .
I have worked on both sides of the fence, and both sides have their advantages. But when you are self employed you are on your own. If your business fails you don't get help. You take your losses. Your prsi doesn't entitle you to welfare, or dentistry, or glasses etc (though I know changes have been made now and no one gets dentistry or glasses etc). When you are self employed your are the one making the decisions, so the stress and risk, and the rewards, are on your shoulders.
The PAYE earner certainly gets hit. I have been on that side of the fence too. But it is unfair to label all self employed with the same brush. There are dodgy workers in both sectors, but most of us are just trying to do a good job and better ourselves.
Here is what Yorrick posted:
Tax dodgers are the self employed, small busines people, shop keepers farmers etc.
I'm a small business person, does that make me a tax evader?
I certainly get treated that way by the revenue.

I too have to take what is given, and pay up to the revenue. I have to pay every month by direct debit, without PAYE tax credit.

It looks like I wont even get a PRSI pension now, since brian lenihan decided the AIB needs it more than I do.

Maybe the answer is to get out of Ireland while I still can. What will happen to PAYE workers then? when small business owners finally have had enough, and all the MNCs have left because corp tax has gone up?
ON the functionining of the political system, is it flawed in that the government could fall on, it seems, any vote. And on that basis the imposition of the whip (i.e. where you are "compelled" to vote with your party) is probably reasonable.

If not all votes were of such consequence could the whip be removed and TD's vote with their conscience as opposed to following the party line.

So if, say, the bould Mr Lee was in government with FG, and he knowing better voted against something they were proposing (and some opposition might vote for the proposal - since no gain if it loses) would it lead to more robust debate, occasional bloody nose for the government etc., a more real role for the opposition, room for alternative views and a chance that collective wisdom would come into play as opposed to lemming-like following of the protocol.

As it is, would it make much odds if those not in government were to be denied their seat?, a McCarthyesque snip saving perhaps.......