Pat Kenny and the Frontline audience member

It's definitely live. I was asked if I'd like to be in the audience the week of the public v private sector debate and would definitely have had to go on the Monday evening after work.
Someone connected with the show asked me if I'd like to sit in the audience. But there's no mystery about getting tickets, you can apply on line via the RTE website.
Not at all.

Just sent an email. I am not holding out much hope.

I received this reply:

Say no more.
I received this reply:

Say no more.

I don't see your point. They haven't refused you a ticket. They're just making sure that you'll have something useful to contribute (it's not the late late, you can't just sit there and wait to win a prize) and that, if you're a member of a political party or lobby group it will be made clear when you're making your contribution.
Now I'm no fan of Pat Kenny, frankly he bores me to tears, but I do believe he works far more then the 11 hours he is on air(as the individual stated). I also think he is paid too much for what he does but do his programmes make a profit for RTE?. I don't know what the answer to that is, but if they do, why should anybody be complaining about what he is paid?

I agree that he works longer than 11 hours a week. The guy should never have thrown that out. I don't buy the argument that these guys use by syaing they are the ones bringing in the advertising revenue so they deserve to be well paid. Wasn't the late late without a sponsor at the end of Pat Kenny's reign. Also I doubt advertising revenue fell since he left. The question that has to be asked is would RTE survive if Pat Kenny and the other RTE 'Stars' left for rival stations and the answer is yes. Also, the fact that these guys have not been poached by private companies suggest that they are not the profit generating machines they like to claim they are.
Why do they need a date of birth?
I presume, for some issues, they need a good range of people agewise. Also, if you said you were 65 and they had a programme coming up about compulsory retirement or something, you could be a useful contact.
You're very suspicious, if you don't mind me saying so.
I received this reply:

Say no more.

All you've to do is fill it out, send it back and see if you get invited and tell us all on here when you do so you can disprove your own theory.

Perfectly legitimate questions in my opinion.
Meaning I would share Bond's suspicions.

I know, but why?? RTE aren't going to flash your date of birth up on screen. I think it's a perfectly legitimate question when they're trying to make up a suitable audience for certain issues.

I certainly hope you are right. It's about time for an explosion, there are far too many sheep.

Pat Kenny is only an aside to this man's anger and this will make the ratings higher for Kenny and so a win win for Kenny & RTE.