Passports and rubber cheques

Henny Penny

Registered User
A friend of mine told me recently that when she applied for her passport they refused to give her one because the last passport she got (10 years ago) was paid for with a cheque that bounced. The passport office never made any contact in the ten years to tell her that the cheque had bounced or to seek payment. My question is basically this .... how many years after the event can a company ... such as the passport office come after you for an outstanding bill?
Henny Penny said:
A friend of mine told me recently that when she applied for her passport they refused to give her one because the last passport she got (10 years ago) was paid for with a cheque that bounced. The passport office never made any contact in the ten years to tell her that the cheque had bounced or to seek payment. My question is basically this .... how many years after the event can a company ... such as the passport office come after you for an outstanding bill?

are they looking for the money from last time... or just not going to give a passport at all ?
Sorry, I probably wasn't clear enough. Before they would issue a new passport they wanted payment for the old one ... ie if she did not pay for the old one she would not get the new one.
Sounds reasonable to me even if it's a bit odd that they never contacted them before this. Do they just want the nominal amount in € or do they index it for inflation or anything? Whatever about them not chasing/collecting the debt before this it's good to see that this public service department's systems are able to track such outstanding payments.
Henny Penny said:
Yep they wanted payment at 1995 prices ... no interest or penalties.

don't see a problem here... unless you know you paid it last time...
I just thought it unusual to expect someone to pay for something they got 10 years ago. I konw if I bought something for the house and never received a bill until 10 years later I would certainly question paying it.