Passport page34 - ICE what/who to write?


Registered User
Sorry for asking real dumb question:

Got recently my new passport, it has "In case of Emergency Contact" on page-34, may I ask:

* Should we be filling this part [obviously when I received it was not filled-in]?
* What do you guys usually provide? - your spouse details and Irish Address [primary residence] or something else?

Really sorry to ask such a basic question, wanted to be doubly sure, since its going to be written on passport.

Thanks for reading!
No obilgation to fill it in .. it has nothing to do with the validity of your passport

Having said that though it's probably not a bad idea to fill it out - In terms of what to put in it .. remember it's in case of emergency if you're travelling really - say you're involved in an accident .. so I guess it's best to put in the contact info of someone back home who if something bad happened to you could help out.. there's probably not much point in putting in a spouse's details as it's likely they'd be traveling with you ?