passport for 1 yr old - photo reqd?


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Hi - just realized I need to get the old passport thing sorted for the baby. Had a quick look at the website.. Do I need to get a photo for the baby? It looks like you can no longer add them to your own passport but get one that lasts for 3 years. I will pick up a form (as the one on the site shouldn't be used !!) . What else is needed - my own birth cert , babies (long) birth cert, fee ?
Yes - you need a photo and a separate passport for baby. See here. The application form details all of the documentation required.

Post crossed with Welfarite's.
yes you need a photo ,we had to get a photo for our 3 month old and get it signed by a guard as far as i remember .also original birth cert etc ,we did it by passport express and gotit in 5 days ,was painless ,just spend time making 100% sure you send everything required .
Hi, yes all minors need their own passport. This link should tell you all you need;

[broken link removed]

Also, just be aware, that the guidelines for passport photos have changed and are very strict now. People are having their applications returned at an alarming rate because the photos they provide are not right. Even a few weeks ago it was on Joe Duffy. Therefore make sure you go to someone who knows what they are doing in order to save yourself unnecessary expense.
The photo policy is SOOO strict now. Has to include from bottom of chin to crown of head and be of a standard that they can scan. even the old reliable photo booths in shopping centres are failing the test, per stories I've heard. Best get one done in a chemist
Yes you need a photo. We got it done in a photographpic shop for £5 sterling (London, Snappy Snaps). The passport was cheap but only lasts a few years (If I remember correctly). We got caught out on birth certs, needed the baby's full one and both parents (I think , I think. We were confused by the form.). Getting it done in London was fast and efficient, not sure about elsewhere.
You also need to get a consent form signed by both parents and this must be witnessed.
They are very strict about this. The passport application form has all the details.
ok great - thanks for all the info. I'll take a look through those links that were sent on. Years back with our older child we just had her added on to my passport so was surprised when I saw a separate one was required. Prob handier, but let's see how many attempts it will take to get the photo right for a year old Should be entertaining. Thanks again for the info. I had better get this sorted out .
As far as I know, you will need two good quality photos, one must be signed on the back by a garda, and include the number from the application form beside the signature, the second need not be signed.

Photo's are a nightmare. I got four taken in a photographers before they would accept one!!! My baby was only a few weeks old so it was really dificult to get a good one. As your baby is a year it may not be so hard.
Best trick for a baby photo is to bring a white shawl/blanket and put them on the ground, get the photographer to stand over them to get the photo.

Bring a rattle/bright toy to ensure they are looking directly at the camera.