Passport dilemma

Dagny Juel

Registered User
Not sure if this is the right thread but I was hoping that someone could give me some advice in relation to a passport issue.

A few months ago when leaving Cambodia the passport control guy made a mistake by not changing the date on the departure stamp. He only realized after he had stamped my passport. He then tipp exed the date and changed it with pen. It is fairly obvious to say the least.

I'm traveling long haul in a week and am a bit worried that this might cause me trouble at the airport. I know the best thing would be to just get a new passport but I genuinely don't have the money for it right now plus this passport is only a year old. I emailed the passport office looking for advice and they just replied to say that if my passport has been defaced, I should get a new one. But not sure what renders a passport defaced?

I have dual citizenship and could use my other passport but have already stupidly provided details of my Irish one to the airline. Should I take both with me just in case and perhpas produce the other one if anyone queries the stamp issue? Or would this make me look even more suspicious?

I know I'm probably worrying over nothing but I already have visions of me being held at the border and being deported or something like that.

Great if anyone might have had a similar issue or has any advice.
Yes you can expect most inspectors will consider your Irish passport to be defaced. Contact the airline and ask them to update your details to use the other passport.

Do not try to enter a country by offer them a second passport if the first one gets refused... it is not a game of pick a card, any card! Generally speaking you are expected to exit and enter a country on their passport if you have one and in all other cases you must decide which one you are going to use and stick to it.