Passport can I apply now but get passport to commence June


Registered User
Just wondering I have to get passport renewed as travelling in June, can I apply now and put date for passport date to commence start of June as I want to apply early as have heard horror stories about how long it can take,I don't want to apply now and waste money on paying for 5 months that I don't intend on using,
also my birth cert states eg Stanley but all my details ,bank accounts,esb bills are in name I know as Stan, can I use Stan on my passport as matches everything else
I completed a passport application form earlier this week, there is nowhere on the form to request a start date.

You can use the passport express option, which should take 10 working days provided there are no problems with the application or photographs. (I'm aware that there were delays with this service, as mentioned by some AAM posters).

There is an option on the form to enter the name you wish to have on the passport. The information guidelines on the form state:

"If the name by which you are now known differs from the version entered on your birth certificate or most recent passport, other than through civil marriage, civil partnership or adoption, you will be required to produce documentary evidence of the constant use of that name for at least 2 years"

The guidelines go on to give examples of the evidence required - bank statements, social welfare or tax documents, driving licence, medical card.

You can have your birth certificate name recorded on the passport too, on the observations page if you wish.
The UK allows up to 9 months validity from the old passport to be added to a new passport thus allowing passports to be valid for up to 10 years and 9 months.

Ireland has no such provisions. A new passport will be valid for 10 years from the date of issue. Any remaining time on the surrendered passport will be forfeited.
according to what I have read on the passport site, , if the passport has less than 3 months to expiry date , the passport office will accept a photocopy of the existing one . which means that a person can travel while the new passport is being processed. also you can get a reminder from the passport office when there is 3 months left on a passport , you have to register for the reminder.