In all the excitement of a site hunt, I know you can just want a solution but be VERY careful here - again I talk from experience. Your failed percolation test is a RED FLAG and might cause you to buy a garden as opposed to a site if planning never comes through - also if a CoCo had already failed a site on this basis - environment are going to be slow to reverse unless it is really proven
Your issues are drainage, not a 'how will I pass the test' - regardless of the system you put in (std tank, bio-tank, etc.) it still needs to percolate or drainaway on output and it needs to filter down. If your failed test is because of a T value >50 (slow or non-draining) then you have an issue. A raised bed percolation (imported soil or sand polishing filter) will solve this for the initial percolation, but still if the soil below the raised bed still has no drainage, then you are in trouble with ponding - depending on where you are (?) you can divert to a watercourse (Wexford) or not (other CoCos).
Your 1st port of call is to ask for the failed test report and see what the prob. was - too fast or too slow (too fast drainage also a prob on sand or rocky soils giving immediate access of effluent to water-table). 2nd thing is to dig trial holes prior to purchase - don't buy without doing this - go down 3 m if you can - look at the soil profile and get a test done (reseach how to do it yourself or get a qualified EPA surveyor to do it). If it passes then buy away - if not BEWARE. No percolation = no planning - its that simple (or else poo in a bucket - with all the hassle we had with ours getting planning there were days I thought that's what I might end up with!)
If you want to buy, you could make it subject to contract in passing the test (same as subject to contract for surveyor on a 2nd hand property) - definetely give yourself an out - if the site has already failed a perc. test then it is not worth anything for development right now so the vendor should be happy to oblige all this if interested in selling - bottom line advice - walk away unless the test results are positive. PM me if you want more info.