Passenger door not opening


Registered User

I drive a 01 mini cooper and the passenger door will not open from the outside or the inside, it was fine until a few weeks ago

I am going to bring it to a garage but was just wondering does anyone have any idea's what could be wrong with it as if its something small i don't want to be paying out a fortune to get it fixed

Thanks alot
I would avoid the main dealers on that one.

Do you have any pals who work as mechanics?

It could save you megabucks, especially on a MINI ( v expensive to service )
Thanks for your reply, no unfortunatly i don't know of any mechanics..
I might see if someone on here can recommend someone to me and see if that works out cheaper than the main dealer as u said will be v.expensive
Thanks for your reply, no unfortunatly i don't know of any mechanics..
I might see if someone on here can recommend someone to me and see if that works out cheaper than the main dealer as u said will be v.expensive

Angrygirl, happened me recently, back passenger door, Id no idea how long it was like that, I even failed NCT over it. My mechanic refused to touch it, said he doesnt do doors - told me my best bet without it costing loads was to find someone 'handy' to have a look.
Got a guy in work to take off door panel, turned out what was wrong was small bar inside had slipped out of plastic holder of handle (actually looks like someone forced inner handle when child lock was on). Took minutes to fix and was free.
If you can find someone who knows how to take the inner panel off you will have a good chance of seeing whats wrong and fixing yourself.

Thanks for that Truthseeker, only thing is the inner panel wont come off with the door closed and i cant get the door open to get it off ...

might not be an easy fix after all but thanks for that i'm sure if i got it off it would be something similar to what happened to u too
Thanks for that Truthseeker, only thing is the inner panel wont come off with the door closed and i cant get the door open to get it off ...

Exactly why my mechanic wouldnt touch it - but he never even looked at it. The handy man took out some screws in the panel, removed the spring clip from the window opener and managed to get the panel off - all with door closed. He also told me that 'there is always a way to get to the panel with the door closed'!!!

If you can find someone familiar with Minis they should be able to get the panel off for you.

I'm off on a mission so to find someone to have a look at it for me.. thanks for all ur help
You will be able to remove the door panel if you push the seat right back and lower it as much as it will go.More than likely the cable to the lock has been disconnected or the lock itself will need replacing.