Pass theory test....can you start driving?

I think if your daughter was driving alone with no 'L' plates, the Guardai would have waved her on. I know loads of learner drivers who dont display 'L' plates as it only attracts the Guardai - this is a fact, and many people have been driving for years without being stopped.
I know loads of learner drivers who dont display 'L' plates.

I also know people who do the same and drive on motorways as well. That is all well and good until the day they have an accident and not only will they have legal implications, their insurance company can refuse to pay out on a claim.
"Police" - was this is NI? no-one in their right mind would try driving on a provisional up there. (And they shouldn't have to either - the waiting list is only a few weeks).

If it was down south and she had a second provisional, they don't have a leg to stand on - at least until the law is changed.
In any case, I believe that in ROI one hefty penalty point is awarded if you're found to be driving unaccompanied on a 1st, 3rd, 4th... provisional licence.

At the end of the day there's only so much they can do until the backlog is sorted. If they start clamping down without sorting the licensing issue, the political backlash could be pretty nasty. For instance, if all 400,000 of us staged a "drive-at-5mph" protest on every national road in the country, things could grind to a halt pretty quickly
I started driving last Summer, applied for my test in Oct, was told today that i would probably get my test in NOV.

I have a company car, i drive my husband (full licence) to work each day, he works close to me.

However i work on a Sat and he doesnt, so therefore i have to drive unaccompanied one day a week.

There is no other way for me to get around this, i think having to wait over a year for a test is outrageous.
I did my theory test and then had 6 lessons then i went out on the road on my own im driving a year now and guards never say anything when i show my first provisional licence. Im the only one at home who drives so i never have a full licence driver with me.