Partner's Death

worried mam

New Member
Can anyone tell me what I should do Partner passed suddenly 2 weeks ago. Do I need to inform his banks straight away. Where do I start with regards his creditinion account and his pension does this need to be sorted immediately. I don't know where to start
Condolences on your loss.
Were you married or in a civil partnership?
Did he leave a will?
Who is his next of kin if not you?
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Do you have someone close to you who can help you? Navigating all of this in a time of intense grief must be very hard, if there is someone who can assist you it would give great support.
Priority is to get a death cert
Also, when you get it, get a few certified copies at the same time. You will need them to send to various bodies/banks etc.

Condolences on your loss.
Marsupial's link to the checklist is very good.

From my own experience, dealing with my fathers death a few years ago.ll

Don't get panicked, nothing happens in a hurry, and you will be dealing with people who are used to doing this and will be sympathetic. The main thing they will need is proof of death (the death cert or certified copies). And in most cases it is a straightforwards process involving either a form or letter.

Also, if possible get people you can rely on to help you with this. And again, don't panic, it is a well worn path for most institutions.
I am deeply sorry for your loss and I will keep you in my thoughts today x
If you have somebody you can trust to help you navigate through everything ask for help x

Like Buddyboy said multiple copies of the death cert is a must for all the different people who need to see that document.
Make a list of all the banks / companies that you know they may have had accounts with and then just start from there.