Part time online degree and SUSI fees-- any detail on this?

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Have heard very little about this initiative except that there is change to have free funds for part time courses in some instances. Anyone have detail? My son is on Disability Allowance so wondering if he may be covered. Its looking less likely that he will manage full time course. Thank you
Have heard very little about this initiative
Can you clarify exactly what inititative you are referring to?
According to this SUSI approved courses are full-time:

What is an Approved Course?​

To be eligible for funding you must be attending an approved course at Post Leaving Cert (PLC), undergraduate or postgraduate level.

Approved courses must:
  • Be full time.
  • Take place in an approved institution.
  • Be a full-time course of at least two years duration and
  • Lead to a major education award, in line with the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) or equivalent.
There seems to be very little information on it yet, budget announcement said details are still being worked out, but they might not differ from the "expected to be" on Citizens information link below. Keep an eye out and you should see announcements when there's confirmation.

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Can you clarify exactly what inititative you are referring to?
According to this SUSI approved courses are full-time:

Its part of the Budget measures. Looking at what RedOnion posted, the detail isnt available yet. It would relate to fees only, and there would be no msintenance grant.
There seems to be very little information on it yet, budget announcement said details are still being worked out, but they might not differ from the "expected to be" on Citizens information link below. Keep an eye out and you should see announcements when there's confirmation.

Thank you for posting these, hopefully more detail in coming weeks.
I need to look into options for my son. He is in fifth year, but is now going onto a reduced timetable. We may be above the grant limit anyway but im not sure how that would be assessed, so just trying to understand the options.
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