Parody of RTE's angelus please...


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in one of the cinemas some years ago before a movie they showed a parody of the angelus that made people roaring laughing. People killing someone or committing a tremendous crime stopping for a few seconds to listen to the bell and then starting again, and so on...

I've been searching for it through youtube but can't find it... Can anyone point me to the right direction? Have you ever seen it years ago in the cinemas?

Thank you!
Haven't seen it but Carlton do the advertising as far as I know

Give them a shout
Brilliant - the first scene is particularly funny, not only does the attacker look up serenely, but the guy on the ground does as well - hilarious!!!
No sorry, that's not the one. I remember even people raping a woman then stopping to hear... The one I saw was so much more violent but people were dying laughing... I'll check with Carlton if I've the courage... Thank you all!