Parklands, Santry


Registered User
I am leaning towards buying in Parklands,Northwood,Santry. All info appreciated.
Re: Parklands,Santry

I Live in Parkland's in Northwood and Luv it , being here over 2 years now and really settled in also the area is getting more settled since moved in , obv in dropping mkt apt prices are following here but thats the same where ever u buy at the moment ,
Try to give honest opinion

1 Good Shops - Eurospar, chemist , Costa café and reatil park homebase, currys etc..
2 Omni only down road has come on a lot with new extension etc Argos opening in Spring but Tesco store is not great
3 Really good Aldi store on Santry Ave 5mins in car away
4 Good bus services at Swords Road 16A 41 etc but no bus comes through estate 10min walk to bus stop from Parklands
5 Great park just across road, Nortwood Park
6 Gym on Site Ben Dunne's Northwood Gym.
7 Metro if goes ahead !!! dedicated Stop at easten end of estate
8 Parkland's has very active residents committee so looks after the estate (I am member of committee)
9 No crèche on site yet, one planned but in present climate might not be built for some time
10 Eastern end of Estate does boarder on to Ballymun (take this as u will)
11 Big estate lots of different developments this can be good more facilities however can also cause issues of mgt etc. also always going to be number of apt for sale at any one time etc.. issue at moment is the number of developments that were just completed before bottom fell out of mkt so obv the developers are now trying to get rid of this stock as quick as possible so big price drops (i.e. Carrington Elliott's, Elliott's actually have dropped price on all recent developments in all parts of city by similar amounts) this will of course force price down in area in short term until at least this stock is sold.
12 However no more new apartments are planned for estate and rest of site not even zoned as residential rest of development land is for Office parks etc.
13 Close to M50 and Airport
14 Crowne Plaza Hotel and Mandalay restaurant on site

Here is some useful links
[broken link removed]
Re: Parklands,Santry

Thanks Badger.I took the plunge in early March and hope to move in in May/June. Prices were cheaper in Carrington but I liked that Parklands is more mature as a development.Airport/lovely park across from Parklands swung it for me.
Re: Parklands,Santry

Best of luck with the move if have any questions please feel free to pm me


Re: Parklands,Santry

Make sure your car has locking nuts on the wheels and a gravity sensor alarm.Cars are having all wheels stolen and left on blocks.Welcome to Ballyscum!
Re: Parklands,Santry

Make sure your car has locking nuts on the wheels and a gravity sensor alarm.Cars are having all wheels stolen and left on blocks.Welcome to Ballyscum!

Is this happening even if your car is in the secure underground carpark?
Re: Parklands,Santry

As said before I work on Res committee in parklands and have not heard any reports of this yet I do know where Falcon gets his info??
If need reassurance PM I will give u the name and number of community officer in Santry Station we work closely with him on Neighborhood watch and his has full crime Stats for the area

Only aware of it happening on surface carparks so far.Badger are you trying to sell a property here?Santry Gardai will confirm the situation.
No Falcon I am just trying to give balanced and fair view which I don't think "welcome to ballyscum" reflects. As I said I know Garda Community officer and would encourage people who r maybe worried about crime to speak to him to get a professional and balanced view of the area.

As I would tell anyone moving into any area not familiar with always a good idea to speak to local Guards.
falcons right 2007 mercedes left with no wheels last weekend in temple court though beside parklands. still there on blocks now.
Regarding that car on blocks. Maybe right but not part of Parklands & if still on blocks is issue with owner in that development. And it hasn't happened to us in Parklands as far as I'm aware.

I'm also on the residents committee for Parklands.

Falcon - no Badger is not selling and neither am I. He's giving an honest opinion of area and our complex. We work v hard to keep complex well kept. There's a neighbourhood watch scheme for the residential complexes (8) in the area set up of which Badger and I'm a part of. All the resident committee's and board of managments for those that have already taken in charge, communicate and liase with each other over common issues.

I've the crime stats for the last 7 mths and overall while there maybe a bit of petty stuff, Northwood is pretty much a quiet area compared to other places. Area is covered by cctv.
Also let us not forget no area is perfect with zero problems. But ours is far less than a lot of area's.

Badger also forgot to say the route 4 bus also goes to estate at the eastern end, near to Homebase and Gullivers. The walk from there to Parklands is about 12 mins. The south end is served by the 17a and 104 and is also about 8 mins from Parklands.

There's a good mix of commerical and residential in area with a sports surgery complex and a nursing home.

I also love it here and like Badger I'm here 2 yrs. There is a bit of a community spirit blossoming coming from the website that Badger & Sue posted and from wider resident meetings. A book club within the complex has recently started and some of the lads had a gaming thing going on. We've had some met ups in the Crowne Plaza, though of late that that has quietened down. But perhaps with summer coming in, might be time to restart that.

Complex has a wide range of age groups from singles and couples to families, so a good mix and we've quite a good percentage of owner occupiers.

Also as an aside, for people who are into their tv & broadband. NTL & Magnet are wired in as well as Eircom (no service provider monopoly here) and we have just undertaken a survey to get the Sky Communal Dish in.

Hope that helps. Feel free to pm if want more info. And welcome theo67 to the neighbourhood. :)
Thanks to all for info,both for and against.I am happy with the area and my purchase,and will proceed.I am aware of proximity to Ballymun,but I would not be happy without underground parking,either here or elsewhere in Dublin city.

Again thanks everybody.
Hi There

does anyone know if this wheel steeling business is still a huge problem in the area? I live in the estate next to Northwood - Geraldstown Woods and had all 4 wheels of my car robbed last Wednesday such a shock when I went to go to work on Thursday morning....

Have gotten 4 new wheels and got lock nuts on them and also bought a wheel clamp for one of the wheels but I am sure these people have ways of gettin through them too...

Sorry to hear about your wheels but Geraldstown is even nearer to Ballymun than Northwood.Big drugs raid by Gardai in Parklands last week including the dog unit...thats a new sight for me!
The sad truth about this location is that people paid vastly inflated prices for inferior quality construction which is effectively in Ballymun.
Sorry to hear about your wheels but Geraldstown is even nearer to Ballymun than Northwood.Big drugs raid by Gardai in Parklands last week including the dog unit...thats a new sight for me!
The sad truth about this location is that people paid vastly inflated prices for inferior quality construction which is effectively in Ballymun.

The reason that there are drugs raids is that the other resident refuse to accept anti-social behaviour in their community. You are right that it is close to Ballymun but it is not 'effectively in Ballymun'. In the same way that Ballsbridge is not effectively Ringsend, Glasnevin is not effectively Finglas, Killiney is not effectively Ballybrack etc. etc. You can live in Parklands and never go through Ballymun. Lastly what is your basis for 'inferior quality construction', inferior to what? I have not been in Parklands apartments but have been in the ones beside it and have been in the ones in Ballymun, none of them are going to win an award but I know which one I would prefer to live in.

Like everywhere there are positives and negatives and different people have varying priorities and different experiences. For disclosure purposes I do not own a property in Parklands or its environs but do think that there are a lot of positives living there.
Actually crime in Parkland's is way down over the last 3 months and we have one of the highest detection rates in the district at around 80%. This is largely due the active Residents Committees in development working closely with local Guards and even when the crime rates were higher they were actually relatively low for the district.
Don't take my word, contact the Community Office in Santry Garda Station to get the facts and they will give you the stats and the facts

It unfortunate about the drugs bust but things like this can happen in any large apartment large complex, u get the odd undesirable renting a place but we do not as a rule tolerant any anti social behavior and such tenants do not usually last long as soon as we come aware of them.

For Disclosure I live in Parkland's and am a member of the Residents Committee