Parking ticket while car with garage


Registered User
My car broke down and I got it towed to the garage (a small garage on a busy street in south county Dublin). Car was left parked in front. I picked up the car a few days later. A few weeks later I receive notice of a parking fine, the car was parked on the other side of the street without a ticket, this happened while it was in the garages charge.

There was no mention of the ticket when I picked up the car. The garage had removed the parking ticket from the car (on the website when I paid the fine I saw the ticket on the windscreen)

Where do I stand?
Is there something on the ticket about if you are the regd owner but was not driving..?I think there is
Get the garage to write a note explaining that the car had been broken down and with them for repair at the time of the fine. Send that and a copy of the notice you received to the Superindentdent of the guard who issued it (you can get that by phoning the phone number on the notice - they can tell you what station and his name). Hopefully that will be the end of it.