Parking Ticket - No yellow lines or no parking sign


Registered User
I got a parking ticket yesterday. My car was parked in a housing estate where there were no double yellow lines, or no no-parking sign. Is this allowable? Surely no-parking should have been indicated somewhere?

There are other restrictions to parking. I'm working from memory here, but not within 5 meters of a junction, not at a bend or the brow of a hill, not on a footpath.

Edited to add, there is a more comprehensive list here:

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Hi Guys,

Yes it was definately a real parking ticket and I don't think it was in an area that should be restricted.... It was a gard that issued it, as I seen him driving away! I'm a bit annoyed as it wasn't in the way or anything...

They sometimes have ticked off on the back of the ticket why it was issued.
I wrongly got a parking ticket once, and brought it to the gardai station to complain. The bloke there just wrote it off, and I didn't have to pay.
I went out to my car one evening to find a parking ticket on my car, it was parked in the car park in our apartment complex. I contacted the guards and told them the car was parked in the car park and they told me not to worry about it and took the ticket from me. Never heard another thing about it - that was about 2yrs ago!