Parking ticket in Donegal for Northern Car


Registered User
Hi Everyone,

I was driving a Northern car in Bundoran about 2 weeks ago and parked it outside the cinema. One coming out of the pictures with the kids the car had a ticket on it for €40. It was the only car in a deserted car park of 300 spaces - recently the car park had been changed to a pay and display but the signs as usual where not prominent. Can the council pursue the fine through a debt collector in the UK or have they any legal rights. I normally pay all bills etc but find this one really unfair especially as un-beknown to me the adjoining car park is free of charge for as long as you like.

Before anyone says I deserve a fine for going to Bundoran in first place...I beat you to it. But what is the legal position? The same must apply vice versa.

I have tried the internet for advise but to no avail. Please help..I have another week to pay the fine.
Devils advocate - "ignorance of the law is not a defence"

I know,I know, I know...but neither is it satisfactory to have inadequate signage to explain change of usage.

It's not at all satisfactory - but unfortunately the law as it stands is generally in favour of State or local authorities in matters such as this, even when their actions or inactions are totally unreasonable. The catch-22 is that is may be technically possible to challenge such a situation in the courts but who in their right mind is going to go to the bother and expense of mounting a legal case in order to avoid a €40 or €400 fine?
some years ago, i got a ticket in kildare while driving an ni reg car i had just bought from a friend up there. i thought at the time that it wasnt parked illegally and was only ticketed cos of the reg . i warned my friend and said id pay it if he was contacted. he wasnt. end of story

If it were me, I would take plenty of photos of the carpark, to illustrate the inadequate signage & post them, with the ticket, to Bundoran UDC> you can tell them that you are going to defend yourself in Court, if necessary.
wait for the final warning before deciding to pay, I got a ticket in dundalk and waited for the final warning before paying, still waiting 6 years later...
Dundalk Town Council now sell unpaid norn iron parking tickets to a collection agency in London, who do have the power to enforce them. Triples the cost of the unpaid ticket.
I would say it depends on the policy of the local authority as to whether payment of fine is pursued across the border. It's porbably legally enforceable if they are bothered to employ a debt collection agency, as Dundalk do according to Cuchulainn's post. Bundoran would have a high percentage of NI visitors and possibly issue a high percentage of tickets, particularly in the summer so, logically,they might follow you inot the north for payment as it were. Pay it, for peace of mind and look at it as a contribution to the amenities in Bundoran that you enjoyed!

Thanks Welfarite. What amenities are there in Bundoran that are worth any sort of subsidy? I get your point though, its only 4000c - hardly the end of the world but it is unfair.
Well, I did put an exclamation mark after that remark!!!

Anyways I paid the parking ticket, as the fine goes to €60 if the notice remains unpaid for more than 28 days. After 3 months of possible letters from the council it goes to €200 - then it is sold to a London debt collection company for about €350+.

It turns out the car park is free of charge for 9 months of the year but is a pay and display for 3 months only - how mad is that. The car park is only ever used during the July 12th period when a lot of Northerners descend on the town, so it is a revenue generating exercise for the district council.

Overall, "I think any country that sells its debts onto a third party debt collector has no real rights of enforcement" but you would get threatening letters etc from these henchmen debt collectors in the UK and it is not worth the hassle.

I remember, years ago after I graduated from Manchester, a court order for poll tax was issued un-be known to me by Manchester Council for a two year poll tax bill of £700. I got a letter to my Northern address looking for £2200, a full two years after graduation (even though students were exempt for this tax, I could not appeal as a determination had been made in the courts) and this debt collection company bought the debt from the council. They were to send a van apparently to collect goods and chattels to the value of £2200 from my parent’s house. One solicitors advice was even though it was unfair it would have to be paid but an accountant (whom is now retired) mentioned they would have to apply for a special order through the Northern Ireland courts for their notice to be legally binding. Rang up these henchmen who had been aggressive about any my pleading beforehand on numerous calls but once I had mentioned this possible defense it was immediately dropped by them.

"But does this still apply, or have debt collections agencies got legally enforceable rights now to collections on other countries liabilities"? Does anyone know for definite for future reference? Could be dodgy tickets of car parking in France, speeding in Spain you name it - I have heard of scams where people have been given these for unpaid tickets on holidays and have coughed up because they are to scared to challenge.

The same could be the case for an ROI person in the UK or another Euro Zone area, so does anyone have the legal definitive answer. I did not want to take the chance for €40, but it would be good to know for future reference.

What's mad about it? Most busy car parks in the country are Pay and Display, Bundoran is only busy 3 months of the year, so it makes perfect sense. Wouldn't you be more annoyed if you got a ticket there during the dead of winter?
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What's mad about it? Most busy car parks in the country are Pay and Display, Bundoran is only busy 3 months of the year, so it makes perfect sense. Wouldn't you be more annoyed if you got a ticket there during the dead of winter?

Yes it is mad, because it was the only car in the car park with 300 spaces whilst another one beside is free of charge all year round (unbeknown to me at the time). Anyways I was told within the council that it was mad too, so it must be I guess. It is only ever over 30% capacity for 2 days per year. Its typical Ireland, with ridiculous half thought policies.
If its a northern car, use the ticket as toilet paper.

I have no sympathy fot the council, In my home town of Letterkenny, the traffic warden only tickets selective cars ...his cronies get off with parking on double yellow lines

No that Im bitter or anything
Bundoran's usually chock full most weekends during the summer actually. Still, the cheek of them, giving you a parking ticket. Bundoran especially, how dare they.