parking ticket - double jeopardy ?


Registered User
Parked illegally (mistakenly).

Got a ticket on my dash from a Garda.

Got a fixed charge notice from City Council. Got another fixed charge notice a few days later from Garda. Same car, same street, same date/time. Same offence. Treated one notice as a duplicate.

Paid the fine to the City Council and received my confirmation that all obligations have been discharged.

Came home from holidays 4 months later with a summons to appear in court in October for failing to pay the Garda fixed charge notice.

City Council have confirmed they did not issue a summons.

Can anyone think how the 2nd fixed charge notice could have arisen and not be rescinded when I made the payment to the City Council.
Go to court with all documentation and plead for leniency, the judge should throw the case out if right is right.
I have no doubt it will be thrown out, but I want to save everyone bother for what has been an administrative cock up and try to get the mess undone before then !

P.S. (Sept 2007) Ultimate outcome captured here