Parking problems


Registered User
Just looking for a few opinions here...

We have a small business which is situated down what could be described as a laneway off a main road (main road through the town). The laneway is a public road with a couple of residents.

Our business is directly beside a house which we have no problems with and across from another house which we are having major problems with. The person who owns the house across the road is abusive to our customers and parks his cars & motorcycles along the laneway so it's difficult to manouever outside the business entrance. He abuses our customers if they drive down and people have told us that they won't come down to us because of him.

We don't park anywhere near his entrance and we don't put in or out with him. We've called the Guards & they don't want to know. We've gone to the Council and they said we need to sort it out between ourselves but that he was in the wrong. If someone parks their car outside our premises he will verbally abuse them. He thinks he owns the whole place. Our business is suffering and we're at our wits end.

Any advice?
Business is hard enough to do at the moment without this sort of problem.

If it is effecting your turnover you must act soon .. provided all is above board with operating the business in the premises you are in .. its time to discuss this harassment with your neighbour, bring it to a head. If he gets abusive the police would have to get involved. I would also speak to your solicitor to ascertain your right in this situation. There is always the courts to sort out these types.

Good Luck , keep a cool head with the guy even though this is hard.
Is there yellow lines on the lane? If not, would it help if they were painted in a way that is strategically significant to improving your business.?

If so, take photos and meet with ALL of your local town/city/county councilers with the evidence.

Also, have a chat with the local Garda station. They can issue tickets if the road is blocked, regardless if there is yellow lines or not.

I'm not sure this is the right forum, as I think this is a legal issue.

If there was some way for you to quantify your lost business [assuming this is the case] it might be possible that the courts would grant you an order restraining him from interfering with your customers.
I think the attitude of the Gardaí is poor in this instance as a legitimate business is being interfered with.
I wonder could your local chamber of commerce help.

Failing that there may be irregularities in the way your "enemy" is running his business.
Vexatious creatures often seem to cut corners to increase their profits.
If you discovered any breaches of regulations of whatever you could highlight them to the proper authorities.
You may be able to get him shut down.
I know this sounds extreme, but its down to how badly you want to trade from there and whether you can deal with any adverse fallout from this course of action.

Failing this, the location doesn't sound too good, with restricted parking and an abusive neighbour - could you find alternative accommodation?

