parking levy, working from home


Registered User
Has anyone any idea where would I stand regarding the €200 parking levy. Myself and partner work from our home in Galway city so the home is also our office. As such are we regarded as providing car parking places free to ourselves as employee/ directors of the company?
Designate part of your home as business space (you possibly do that already in order to claim some of the costs as business expenses). It is for you to decide if the parking space is in the business space or the domestic space.

Because of the exchequer crisis, it would be a patriotic thing to designate the driveway as business parking.
Thanks for clearing that up Padraigb. Not feeling patriotic enough to pay €200 to the gov. to park in my own drive though.
you as owner of the house could charge your self as director of the company a parking fee. Dont forget this fee is an income
actually the bike is a good idea, iif your company provides you with a bike it can claim a lot of tax relief, really might be worth looking at.
Designate part of your home as business space (you possibly do that already in order to claim some of the costs as business expenses)...

While you might 'save' in the short term by doing this you could end up paying long term.
PPR exemption from CGT can be limited if some of the property is used/designated for business.
Full exemption may not be due if only part of the house has been used as the individual’s residence, in which case an apportionment is made to arrive at the exempt portion of the total gain. This may happen where the house is used partly for business purposes or where rooms in the house have been let.
And you should be paying rates on your home as you are using it as a business. Galway Council love this kind of patriotism !!!