Parking in EV Spot


Registered User
Parked in a local EV charging spot today and attempted to charge my car. The charging mechanism was not functioning so I could not charge it.

Rather than move my car I popped in to the shop, came out less than 15 mins later and had a parking fine.

I actually spoke to the ticket warden and pointed out the machine was not functioning. I had attempted to charge etc. he didn’t care. Said cars parked there not charging get a ticket.

Totally get it if it was an ICE car but it wasn’t, and the machine was out of order. No signage in it etc etc.

My own fault but highly irritating. Appealed it to local co co and it got rejected straight away.

If I had stuck the charger in anyway despite it not working I may have gotten away with it….
If I had stuck the charger in anyway despite it not working I may have gotten away with it….
This is interesting. I wonder if the warden would check to see if actually charging or ticket you if the 45 minutes had passed or your car had stopped charging...Sorry you had to go through this!
What complete and utter bureaucratic nonsense. Could the warden or co co not have contacted the charging company to get the machine repaired or pay the ESB bill? Useless jobsworths.
What complete and utter bureaucratic nonsense. Could the warden or co co not have contacted the charging company to get the machine repaired or pay the ESB bill? Useless jobsworths.
They removed two pay and display parking spots and put these in about 6 weeks ago. I don’t think they’ve even been turned on.
Good to see some action on this

OP good you got a proper result on appeal.

If this attitude stops the ICE cars and people taking the michael then brilliant in the long run.

Any time I have see EV parking blocked, most people don't know or are not interested.
What complete and utter bureaucratic nonsense. Could the warden or co co not have contacted the charging company to get the machine repaired or pay the ESB bill? Useless jobsworths.
Why would they? Should they report street lights not working? Potholes? Or should they perhaps just do the job their being paid to do?

The operators already know it's not working, reporting it will do nothing.
The appeal was rejected!
The appeal was rejected!
Indeed it was. I’m 40 quid lighter as a result. Interesting to see that they are still not operational, no signs , no tape marking them off etc. yet others installed In another area (also not operational) are taped off and obviously not in use
They removed two pay and display parking spots and put these in about 6 weeks ago. I don’t think they’ve even been turned on.

Never nice to get a fine you have my empathy...but

It's a known pay and display location. You parked didn't pay. Many places you have pay parking even if you are charging. That is not working is neither here or there. It's not the parking warden job to report the charger. The EV driver should once they realise there's a problem. If you are there 15 mins, you are in fairness "parking".

They need to come down hard on vehicles be they ICE, Hybrid or EV sitting in charging spaces not charging, blocking the charger.

Theres Facebook group that posts photos of charge blockers in Ireland.
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Indeed it was. I’m 40 quid lighter as a result. Interesting to see that they are still not operational, no signs , no tape marking them off etc. yet others installed In another area (also not operational) are taped off and obviously not in use
They often take a while to be commissioned.
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"...If I had stuck the charger in anyway despite it not working I may have gotten away with it…."

I think you knew what you were doing.

They are going to have standardise the marking and signage. It's a bit daft to have different rules all over the place.
According to the OP it's already pay and display. So it was already an earner.
It was previously a pay and display spot. They were changed to EV spots. EV spots in my town are not pay and display. If you have an Ev you park there for free while charging your car.

my fine was not for non payment or display of parking ticket. It was for parking an EV in an EV spot without charging. The charger did not work.
Seems cheap. Last time I got a parking fine it was 120. Nearest carpark to my office the ad hoc parking day rate is about 30+.

People blocking chargers is so common I can some big fines coming in for it.

In this case the op wasn't blocking a charger, he was fined for parking without paying.
They are going to have standardise the marking and signage. It's a bit daft to have different rules all over the place.
Standardise things? In Ireland? Take the fun out of trying to understand how laws & rules as enforced (or not!) from one area of the island to another? Spoil the fun for the bureaucrats and the public-facing storm-troopers on the ground? As our ex-rulers might say "You're 'aving a Turkish mate, innit!"
Nope. The fine as stated on the ticket was for parking an EV car in a EV space without charging
Dublin County council, as an example, state the car must be charging and display a valid ticket if required. Had you plugged in your car to the non-working station, you'd probably have got away with it.

In fairness to the Council, if there was a fault with the machine, having a car in the spot may impact on the ability of someone to come out and repair it.