Parking Fine issued in Cork for car parked in Dublin


Thomas Hagen

My sister (honestly it isn't me!) recently received a parking fine for allegedly parking in Cork City centre one Sunday in early December but, as she has never been to Cork in her life, she is adamant that a mistake has been made.

Upon receipt of the letter enclosing the fine she contacted the relevant office and explained her dilemma. She was advised to produce some evidence that she was not in Cork on the day in question e.g. a receipt / letter from work etc. She has checked her bank statements and she did make a purchase with her Laser in a shop in Dublin on the Sunday in question. However, it appears the transaction was only processed on the Monday morning as it is showing up on her statement as the following day. AIB has refused to provide her with written confirmation of the date and place where the transaction was effected.

Understandably she is very reluctant to pay the fine (which has now increased as she did not pay within the permitted time) but is even more concerned about receiving a summons to appear in Court in Cork. The Fines Office are insisting that they couldn't possibly have made a mistake as the reg, tax details and description of the car provided by the warden all appear to be correct. She lives near a road in Dublin which has a reasonably similar name to the one in Cork on which she is alleged to have parked and suggested this may be the cause of the mix up but they are refusing to even consider this possibility.

Apologies for the very long first post but does anyone have any advice on what she should do?
I got a parking ticket from Kilkenny Co. council for parking in Kilkenny without a ticket. As I was never in Kilkenny I phoned them and they ask me for the reg and make of my car and straight away the girl could tell me the ticket was for a different make of car to mine. She said the warden must have put down the car reg wrong on the ticket. End of story.
Does she have a copy of the receipt from the shop in Dublin? Or can she ask the shop?

Same happened a friend as above, but it was a litter offence, cigarette butt thrown out window in Dublin however car and the non smoking driver were in Cork! Had to send in details in writing like an appeal but the reg number / make model of car that litter warden wrote down didnt match.
Just ring the issuing office and demand they get it sorted!! Do not pay it!!
Unfortunately not Bronte; it was for a trivial purchase but in a shopping centre she rarely visits so she knows it was made on a Sunday. I am shocked her bank is not willing to confirm the date and location of the transaction in writing.

It is a real catch 22 - the Fine Notice is incorrect but the cost of travelling to Cork to fight it is completely disproportionate and this option would make no financial sense. Very unfair...
The Fines Office are insisting that they couldn't possibly have made a mistake as the reg, tax details and description of the car provided by the warden all appear to be correct.

I'd be a little more concerned about this than just than simply worrying about the parking fine.

'Ringing' and 'cloning' is common in the UK but I've not come across it here in Ireland.

Although it may be an error on the part of the parking attendant have your sister (or get somebody to) check the VIN and all documentation relating to her car's registration etc.

If everything is above board at her end and the parking authority / warden are adamant they have recorded the correct details she should contact the Gardai with her fears regarding cloning.
Ring them up and ask them to double check. I know some of the parking wardens in DLRCC take photos of the car and the reg as back up while issuing the ticket. They may do the same in Cork Co. Council.

They would also normally take down the colour/make of the car as well as the reg to ensure they match.
If they do match, there's a possibility someone has cloned your car. You might need to get the gardai involved in that case.
Regarding the bank statement showing the Sunday transaction applied to the account on Monday, does the original transaction date not turn up on the statement?

PTSB statements can have 2 dates - the date the transaction was applied to the account, and the date the transaction actually took place.

Something like this....

27 Jan 2011 POS Dunnes 25/1 €25

From this I know that I bought something in Dunnes on 25/1 and it was deducted from my account on 27/1.

Perhaps not all banks do this, but might be worth reading the statement again just in case?
Avoid hiring a solicitor!! Its all too easy to get a reg plate made up. If theres any risk its a clone to to the Gardai. Tell them the story and then refer back to the issuing office that thats the course she is taking and demand a cancelllation. Hope its sorted soon!
Sincere thanks for your very helpful replies!

AIB have relented and are now prepared to provide a letter confirming the date and location of the Laser card transaction so hopefully this will satisfy the Fines Office. AIB statements don't show the date the transaction was actually completed - that is a very helpful detail on the PTSB statements!

The possibility that the car has been cloned is a cause for concern; the Fines Office have provided the correct make, model and colour for the car so that is very worrying. My sister asked whether they took photos of the car but the response she received was rather circumspect. I told her to email a request for copies of any photos so that she can make a complaint to Gardaí if her car has in fact been cloned.

I'll keep you posted.
Do they not have to prove it was you. Otherwise they could do the same for everyone.

Seemingly not; the person in receipt of the fine is obliged to prove they are not liable - a rather onerous task.

If you didn't buy anything with VISA / Laser on the day in question and were not in work (or somewhere else where you attendance was recorded) you would really face an uphill task to prove your innocence. It would probably be cheaper and less hassle to simply pay the fine rather than having to make a 500km round trip to contest your case. That seems rather unfair...
I told her to email a request for copies of any photos so that she can make a complaint to Gardaí if her car has in fact been cloned.

Always a good idea to send such requests by registered post also. It's too easy to ignore/ "lose" email.