Parking at Clonsilla Station


Registered User
Hi Folks

Just wondering does anyone know what the situation is with this and the plan for the future?? I see they have put some yellow lines on part of the road where everyone used to park (before the road opened..) Can you park on the side of the road with no yellow lines?? Has anyone been towed away??

It is usually jam packed with cars on that road and I have heard of several cars being broken into too. Considering the amount of people that now live in the area and use the train it would be sensible to build a car park of some sort.
Havnt heard of any plans for one yet
If your car is in anyway decent I wouldn't park it near that station. A friend of mine moved out that direction recently and drove to the station every morning on the way to work, he returned one day to find his car up on some blocks with his nice shiny alloy wheels missing . Needless to say he walks the 20 minutes to the station now.
i went to the meeting re:transport in the paddocks a few months ago and the irish rail representative was asked this question. he said that the land around there is too expensive so irish rail wouldnt spend that kind of money on building a car park. they might approach the council about developing the path / road (where everyone now parks) into proper spaces but this wasnt confirmed. one of my friends had acid spilled on her bonnet it had to be resprayed, another got their wing mirror broken. i have given up on the train it annoys me to much to be squashed i now drive to phoenix park and walk the 35 mins to town. feel much better for it.
I wouldnt advise it either, my car was damaged several times when parking along the roadside. Parked on double yellow lines before and got a parking fine, have seen this happening to a lot of parked cars. I dont think they would actually tow you away though unless you were blocking part of the road. Tried parking it in the estate a couple of times and was nearly killed by the residents, the car was even keyed once.
Not worth it, better to just walk to the train station. Unfortunately I didnt feel very comfortable walking on the dark evenings of winter, as the road towards Ongar is very poorly lit in places.
Didnt hear of any plans to build a car park, and to be honest I wouldnt hold my breath.
I parked there a few times and never had any damage done, nor saw any damage done. I walked from Allendale all the time though, and it was a great day to start the day. I used to be shocked and amazed at the numbers who would drive from Allendale, especially when there was no proper car park.
I think, turning a private estate into car park is outrageous. In my sisters estate also near a station, sleepy people who are late drive fast into the estate to park before running to a train. Its only a matter of time before a child is run down.
The roads are narrowed to one lane and the bin lorries and ambulances cannot get up.
Hammerheads are used as parking spots instead of what they were meant for, the safe turning of vehicles.
Cars are dumped as people run to catch a train.

How do other people feel about this?
It's ridiculously unfair on residents to park in their housing estates to catch a train. Yep, it's a shame there isn't a car park at every train station but that's not a licence to dump your car in the nearest housing estate to your stop. Just think if you resided in that estate - you'd be raging - and justifiably so. On a point of principle I just don't do it.
There will be traffic chaos when the mad traffic sets in around Roselawn, Blanchardstown in September. People have been parking their cars on both sides of the road there to get the train from Castleknock Station. Its not too bad now that the traffic is light but in the winter the queue to turn onto the Castleknock Road can be almost back to Tescos so there will be a lot of frayed tempers around there.
I reckon it's only a matter of time before Fingal decide to 'develop' this road and create proper spaces - in other words charge commuters for spaces they now use free of charge.