Parents slapping children

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is it illegal or not...i ask cause I see some guy was prosecuted and convicted last week for hitting i think it was his step daughter....i thought it was only illegal to use excessive force and that it was only teachers who couldn't hit out...or has it changed? quite interesting to read about it i thought.
Well cruelty to children is illegal so I presume slapping a child by anyone, wven the parent could be considered illegal.
Slapping is currently permitted under Irish law as long as it is "reasonable chastisement", however Ireland is in breach of an EU directive in this area:
[broken link removed]

To be prosecuted currently I presume you would have to be proven to have gone beyond reasonable chastisement?
Who is allowed to "reasonably chastise" someone though? Is that just parents? It could be because this guy was a stepfather and not the girl's real father. I haven't seen the report - "hitting" is a bit of a catch all phrase, was it a gentle slap on the legs (isn't that what parenting books talk about?) or did he belt her around the room.

As a matter of interest, this is all I found after a quick search on Oasis, which only seems to have information on discipline in schools:

Corporal Punishment [in schools]
Under the Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person Act, 1997, corporal punishment of students may be a crime.

However, the Act permits the justifiable use of force in certain circumstances, e.g., self defence or defence of others.
This item states that in Irish law a child may be chastised by "parents and those in loco parentis" (i.e., a guardian or step-parent). I can't find anything on the government websites either but I assume that this is correct.

While searching I noticed on the [broken link removed] that: "To date, fourteen European countries have introduced legal bans on slapping and other forms of capital punishment of children." Only 14?? :confused:
This man used excessive force and slapped the child for soiling himself. The child was 6.
Holy God, Clubman! I'm ready to cry here - I don't think I've ever seen anything so upsetting in my life....I was expecting something humorous....

Kildrought said:
Holy God, Clubman! I'm ready to cry here - I don't think I've ever seen anything so upsetting in my life....
I thought it was very funny myself. Hint - it's not supposed to be taken literally.
Clubman - Not an appropriate picture in my opinion.
I too find it upsetting and disturbing to think that anyone could see it as humerous.
When I mentioned excessive force above that was the term used by the court.
I am of the opinion that any type of slapping is wrong.
Bamhan said:
Clubman - Not an appropriate picture in my opinion.
I too find it upsetting and disturbing to think that anyone could see it as humerous.
When I mentioned excessive force above that was the term used by the court.
I am of the opinion that any type of slapping is wrong.

Where to start with this one?

I wrote a few lines but then I reckoned that with the tone of the post that I would be wasting my I changed my comments & left this instead....
Yes I would imagine you would be wasting your time.....I will never ever change my opinion on this.
I don't think I've had a humour transplant, but have to admit I found that site offensive rather than funny too. I'm with Bamhan and Kildrought on this one.
Funny is a veeery subjective thing. I was in tears laughing at it. I don't think anybody thinks that the author was serious (do they?), but I can understand why some wouldn't find it funny. Fake flowers that squirt water - not funny to me but funny to some.
For what it's worth, I have a 6yo and a 4yo, and I have yet to slap either one. When I see a child getting a slap in public (the type that hurts the pride more than the bum), I am not put out by it.

I still found the link funny.
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